Zsolt Árpád BÚS Head of Division (medical devices) |
Márta HORVÁTH Head of Division (industrial equipment)) |
Dániel CSÁSZÁR Business Unit Manager (agricultural machinery) |
Zsuzsa BELLE Manager |
Bence BERENCSI General Manager |
Bea DÓZSA Office Manager |
Ádám ELEK electrical engineer |
Mirella FARKASNÉ ÁNGYÁN economist, quality manager |
Ilona ŐZSE mechanical and quality engineer |
Tamás FERKÓ electrical engineer, occupational safety technician |
Ákos HORVÁTH mechatronics engineer |
Csaba HORVÁTH mechanical engineer |
Gergő HORVÁTH mechatronics engineer |
Attila JUHÁSZ mechanical engineer
Gábor KORSÓS mechanical engineer, occupational safety technician, industrial machine safety engineer |
Csaba SÁNTICS electrical engineer |
Szabolcs SZABÓ mechanical engineer |
Kitty SZALAI-MÉSZÁROS bioengineer, food safety and quality engineer |
Máté TUTKOVICS mechatronics engineer, industrial machine safety engineer |
Dániel TUTKOVICS-TREPÁK economist
Gábor URBÁN IT engineer |
Máté VÖRÖS environmental engineer, industrial machine safety engineer |